Sisters; Eunice and Osiris are the creators of Gidget. Their love for vintage fashion and thrift shopping started when they were kids. After their parents migrated from the Philippines to the United States, they had to be very resourceful with money. Mother Araceli and her daughters were always stylish, but on a budget. She would take her daughters to the thrift store, shopping for school clothes and housewares for half the price. Eunice remembers vividly being in the 5th grade and walking into the Purple Heart thrift store and being drawn to the variety and falling in love with the rush of "hunting". Osiris, the younger of the two simply followed the steps of her older sister and joined in on the hunt. At 10 years old Osiris had a new appreciation for vintage fashion, after becoming obsessed with classical films and musicals and swooning over silver screen starlets such as Ginger Rogers, Audrey Hepburn, Rita Hayworth, to name a few.

In 2005 the two sisters started selling their vintage goods on E-bay. To their surprise it was a hit, and a lot more successful than they anticipated. To meet the demand of their online store the duo went treasure hunting every day. It was a lot of work and a never ending pursuit to find more pieces. After 2 years of selling on E-bay Eunice and Osiris had to put it on the back burner for several reasons. Eunice got married and had children, Osiris went back to finish her studies at the University of Washington. Even after putting an end to their E-bay days the two were still avid thrift shoppers. The addiction of treasure hunting remained and throughout the years the sisters accumulated quite a collection of party/ cocktail dresses, novelty tops, knits, shoes, you name it. Their vintage wardrobe flooded their closets and overflowed into their living room, garage, and guest room.

Fast forward to 2012....Gidget is born! The two finally decided to revive their online vintage store, but this time do something that was entirely their own. Osiris has a background in fashion marketing, graphic design, and wardrobe styling. Eunice is a hair stylist and makeup artist. With their two backgrounds and day jobs combined, Gidget is going to be one pretty stylish babe.


Gidget is a semi-fictional character from the 1950's movie series "Gidget". Sandra Dee was the first actress to play Gidget, and is the poster girl for the store. Gidget is an iconic symbol for girl power and sets a standard for greatness for women. The character is fashion forward, both a sweetheart yet a tomboy, and goes against society's perceptions of what a girl should act like. In the movie series, Gidget is strong-willed and determined. Regardless of the situation, whether she's out on the beach, at a party with friends, or just casually hanging out Gidget does it in style. "Honest to goodness, it's the absolute ultimate"- Gidget