Friday, July 20, 2012

Get it Girl: Our Very First Mention on Curbed/ Seattle Racked

We got our very first mention today for Gidget on Curbed/ Seattle Racked. Such an honor to be sitting on the same bus as Capitol Hill Block Party. Read the mention below and the rest of the story here!

"Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee: Osiris Navarro of indie extravaganza Badwill Market fame and her sister Eunice have announced their intention to launch an online vintage marketplace called Gidget later this month on July 31. According to advance press on the project, Gidget will be stocked with “yesteryear’s style for today’s sweetheart,” an allusion to the character in the 1950’s girl-next-door Gidget movies originally played by actress Sandra Dee (followed by a perky, young Sally Field). Don’t expect only 1950’s inspired vintage here, though. Navarro promises “a variety of styles whether you're a pin-up babe, hippie bohemian, disco queen, glam starlett, punk rocker or a fly-girl.”

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